Last year’s massive King Fire burned 63,000 acres of Eldorado National Forest, at one point even threatening to jump the crest and spread to Lake Tahoe. In the fire’s aftermath, the Forest Service has released its plan for the King Fire Restoration. Unfortunately, it is all about logging the burned trees (“salvage logging”), establishing sterile…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 14, 2017 VICTORIA—A new Sierra Club BC review of government data and recent satellite images showed that logging of remaining old-growth rainforest on public and private lands on Vancouver Island jumped to 10,700 hectares in 2016. This number is more than 10 per cent higher than the annual average in the…
Our forests are our best ally in fighting climate change. Old growth temperate rainforest has the largest carbon storage capacity per hectare on earth. Halting logging of old growth forest will help reduce B.C.’s carbon dioxide emissions and allow salmon, bears, wolves and many other species a fighting chance to adapt to a warming world. Learn more…
Forest Protection and Restoration Policy The Sierra Club supports halting the destruction of forest ecosystems throughout the United States. We oppose all logging activities — whether on federal, state, provincial, or private lands — that are environmentally unsustainable, or that jeopardize fully functioning forest ecosystems. We support the immediate halt of: all logging in remaining…
All the world’s forests and forest species have significant intrinsic value for the present and all future generations. Though these basic values are universal, ecological attributes and factors vary significantly from forest to forest, and political, cultural and socio-economic factors vary just as widely. In this context, the following set of interrelated policies should be…
The Sierra Club recognizes that there is dramatic deterioration of the world’s tropical rainforest resource from a multitude of causes and that, at the current rate of loss, projections indicate that by the year 2000 most of the accessible tropical forests of the world will disappear. The Sierra Club maintains that existing institutional measures to…