We have become very much aware and concerned about the environment. The world’s natural forests cannot sustainably meet the soaring global demand for timber products under current forest management practices. According to the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), approximately 24.7 million acres of fast-wood plantations or commercially planted forests exist worldwide. Each year around…
Greenpeace alleges 12 companies continued to trade with Madeireira Cedroarana after its founder was accused of ordering torture and murder Jonathan Watts Thu 23 Nov 2017 07.40 GMT Last modified on Wed 13 Dec 2017 12.29 GMT More than a dozen US and European companies have been importing timber from a Brazilian logging firm whose owner is…
Poland is given two weeks to end its destruction of the Unesco-protected forest in a landmark ruling by the European court of justice Poland has been given two weeks to stop illegal deforestation in the Unesco-protected Białowieża forest or face fines of at least €100,000 a day. In a precedent-setting ruling that will echo across the EU,…
Velvet claim to protect forests, but their suppliers are clearcutting critical areas of the Great Northern Forest All rights reserved. Credit: Christian Åslund / Greenpeace Comments have been flooding onto Velvet’s Facebook page, admonishing the company for using pulp from vital parts of the Great Northern Forest in their toilet paper. Customers are appalled that…
Amsterdam Wood importer Fibois did not comply with the rules of the European timber regulation (EUTR) and acted carelessly when importing African timber. In its judgment of 24 May, the court upheld the burden of incremental penalty imposed on the company by the NVWA and the appeal of Fibois was declared unfounded. Greenpeace is pleased with…
Our forests are our best ally in fighting climate change. Old growth temperate rainforest has the largest carbon storage capacity per hectare on earth. Halting logging of old growth forest will help reduce B.C.’s carbon dioxide emissions and allow salmon, bears, wolves and many other species a fighting chance to adapt to a warming world. Learn more…